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National Partners

We value alliances and partnerships in promoting the right to freedom of expression and participatory governance in West Africa. The MFWA, therefore, works closely with national partner organisations in all 16 countries of the region. Our national partners are the most important and influential freedom of expression and press advocacy organisations in their respective countries. We work collaboratively through information sharing, mutual capacity building in organisational development and targeted advocacy objectives. You can read more about our respective national partners below.


L’Association Guinéenne des éditeurs de la Presse Indépendante (AGEPI) Guinea’s independent newspaper publishers’ association, is the first press union in the country. Created in 1991, it was led by the then press owners who all worked for its survival.

AGEPI is the springboard for the establishment of the rule of law, democracy and press freedom in Guinea.


RPM is an association of media professionals in Mauritania created in 2005. It is currently made up of 32 organisations from newspapers, TV, radio and online media. RPM’s objectives include the creation of a framework to promote and expand the scope of Freedom of Expression (FoE) in democracy building, the enhancement of capacities of media professionals and media pluralism. It organises an annual debate that brings together the leaders of the government and those of the opposition. It also organises debates on issues of media pluralism and the role of online media. The RPM acts as a watchdog for Freedom of Expression (FoE) and issues alerts on violations of freedom of speech and the safety of journalists.

Cote d’Ivoire

L’Observatoire de la LibertĂ© de la Presse, de l’Ethique et de la DĂ©ontologie (OLPED) is a self-regulatory body for the media in CĂ´te d’Ivoire. It was created on 24 September 1995 in Yamoussoukro and has 14 members. The objectives of OLPED are: to promote and defend freedom of expression; ethics and deontology of journalism and to mediate between journalists and the media on the one hand and between the press and the public on the other. OLPED is the second most important self-regulatory body for the press in the French-speaking world, after le Conseil de Presse du QuĂ©bec (CPQ).

The Gambia

The Gambia Press Union (GPU) was founded in 1979 by a group of journalists in the private media. The GPU has in the four decades of its existence been pursing training and advocacy activities towards media freedom and professionalism in The Gambia. The GPU also promotes democracy and economic development in the country.


The International Press Centre – lPC, Lagos Nigeria was founded in 1999 as a not-for-profit, non-governmental and independent media resource centre. The IPC undertakes capacity building workshops for journalists in Nigeria to fulfill their obligations of monitoring governance, serving as society’s watchdog and promoting democratic values.


Founded on May 3, 1999, ODEM is a self-regulatory body of the media in Benin. ODEM aims to promote professionalism in the media and ensure that, media professionals respect the code of ethics governing the profession.


Le Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Information et de la Communication du Sénégal (SYNPICS) is one of the very vibrant professional associations that brings together journalists, cameramen and technicians in the media industry in Senegal. It works to promote and protect the safety of journalists and the work of the media in Senegal. The Association also advocates for media professionalism and a conducive legal environment for media practice (through advocacy for repeal and reform of laws that are unfavorable to journalists, particularly those that criminalise press offenses).

Sierra Leone

The Media Reform Coordinating Group (MRCG-SL) was established as part of the Media Development Strategy which was an outcome of a study conducted in 2013 to map the needs of media capacity in Sierra Leone. This was the case for every important media house in the country. Their overall aim is to strengthen democratic dialogue, consolidate peace and ensure development through professional, independent, and pluralistic media. Supported by the UNDP, the organization based in Freetown, still works towards enhancing media.

Guinea Bissau

SINJOTECS is a press union in Guinea Bissau. Among other things, the union advocates for press freedom, media professionalsim and safety of journalists.


Union des Journalistes Indépendants du Togo (UJIT) is a prominent media organisation in the media landscape of Togo formed in 1992, in the wake of the country’s transition from military and autocratic regime to democratic rule.

UJIT brings together experienced and seasoned media professionals, and independent journalists from diverse media houses. Having pioneered the establishment of the Media Observatory of Togo, a self-regulatory media organization, UJIT seeks to promote excellence and uphold of high standards and ethics in journalism practice. The organization also strives for cohesion and solidarity in the media sector.

Burkina Faso

Created in May, 1998, Le Centre National de Presse – Norbert Zongo (as a tribute to the journalist Norbert Zongo) is the institution of reference for professional media organizations involved in the advocacy of Press Freedom in Burkina. Initiator of la fédération africaine des maisons et centres de presse, it is one of the most active press freedom organisations in Africa. For this purpose, the CNP-NZ organizes each year one of the most prestigious media conferences in Africa: The FILEP (Festival International de la Liberté d’Expression et de Presse)


CEMESP is one of the leading media development, Freedom of Expression (FoE) and Freedom of Information (FOI) advocacy organizations and was legally established on October 24, 2003 in response to the challenges facing the media profession and freedom of speech resulting from the years of conflict in Liberia. CEMESP played a central role in the enactment of the Freedom of Information (FOI) law and is currently campaigning for the effective enforcement of the law. CEMESP advocates for FOI and provides support in terms of judicial services for journalists facing any lawsuits in the course of their work. CEMESP also advocates for the decriminalization of media offenses under the Declaration of Table Mountain.


La Maison de la presse is a non-profit association created in 1996. It is the umbrella organisation for more than fifty media associations in Mali. Its mission is to provide assistance to all the media in Mali, to contribute to the expansion and influence of the Malian press, and to establish relations between the media based on trust, confraternity, and mutual respect.


The Observatoire Nigérien Indépendant des Médias pour l’Ethique et la Déontologie (ONIMED) is a professional, self-regulating, non-profit organisation in Niger. It is led by an executive committee of 15 members. The objective of ONIMED is to ensure that journalists observe the code of ethics generally accepted by the profession and/or codified into the Professional Journalists’ Charter of Niger. It receives complaints of violations of journalists’ rights and press ethic, and consequently takes decision. Where necessary, the organisation also sanctions journalists and media who disregard their code of ethics.

ONIMED through advocacy also ensures the protection and promotion of freedom of expression and press freedom as well as access to information in Niger. The organisation also trains journalists on various thematic areas related to the profession and has set up a press houses repertoire in Niger.

Cape Verde

A Associação Sindical dos Jornalistas de Cabo Verde is a non-profit organisation made up of press, radio, and television practitioners; news agencies, and online media. It advocates for the social and professional integration of all Cape Verdean journalists and individuals. Founded on November 24, 1990, AJOC operates independently of the State and economic institutions, political parties, religious groups, and groupings of any other form or power. It is based at Plateau in the city of Praia, but undertakes advocacy activities nationwide.